Monday, March 9, 2015

Baptisms, Desserts, and Scary Insects--in that order

Hey Mom,

We had another baptism last Saturday. His name is Mateus; he was the only person in his family that hadn´t been baptised yet, so they were all very happy. My camera died before I could get pictures of me with him, but Stahn got photos so I 'm sending them.
Mateus and his family
This is João, who was baptized last week
Yes, I have had the Brasilian dessert you asked about. They´re called Brigadeiras. 
They also adore flan; they call it Pudim (prounounced Pu-jeem).  I am not fond of flan at all. There´s another dessert that is kind of like flan but more liquidy and fruit-flavored.
Then there´s this type of cake they make out of graham crackers that is pretty good. The rest of their desserts are pretty much the same as ours--cake, ice cream, etc.

They really like soda here, too. There´s always soda at the lunch table. I´ve been asked, multiple times, if the USA has Coca Cola. They don´t know much about our country; only what they see on the news--so they think all of America is completely frozen over like New York has been lately. They get very wide-eyed when they tell us about it and ask if our families are okay.

My companion has 9 older siblings and about 20 nieces and nephews.  It makes me think it will be interesting to be an uncle someday.

Me and Elder Stahn--uncle to many

One of the giant storm waves overtaking Xanxere
Not much else new on my end. I´m just hoping to be transferred in a week.

Here´s me with a giant moth

This is my district group

The spider was hiding in the church doormat.

Love you Mom! Thanks for all you do for me! Looking forward to skyping with you on Mother´s Day! 

Elder Duffin