Monday, June 15, 2015

Cat Stories, Pictures of Critters and More Odd Food

Hey Mom,
Catriel´s graduation sounds like it was fun!  Can´t believe my graduation was three years ago now.  Having flashbacks of it right now. 

Your early morning pet story made me laugh, Mom; reminded me of the time that squirrel ran laps around your head--ha ha! Animals make life interesting.

A moth I rescued yesterday
Also among the wildlife rescued yesterday: a frog and a toad

A few weeks ago we were on a bus and someone had a duffel bag on the ground next to them in the aisle. When the bus took a turn, the bag slid and from inside we could hear the protests of a very angry cat! Reminded me of when we moved and you hid our cat in a bag like that. [Ben-Daniel is referring to our overnight stay in Reno on the way up to Washington. It was freezing cold out, so I didn't want to leave the cat in the car overnight.  I smuggled him through a busy casino and into the hotel in a duffel bag--protesting all the way.  It worked. ]

Views of Floripa

Glad to hear all the grandparents are doing well; I pray for them every day. Your story about going out for tacos with Grandma made me laugh. I´m really looking forward to spending time with Grandad & Erma and visiting Grandma and Grandpa in Oregon.
I have not gotten the packages yet; I´m sure they´ll be in soon. 

Me and my zone

Not much to relate as far as news goes. We taught a middle-aged couple who are both pastors; they were very receptive and want to learn more. 

I´ve got some pictures to send this week, so I´ll do that now. 

Chicken heart  [He does not say if he ate it!]

A fruit called Aserola. This fruit has the same amount of vitamin C as five oranges.                        It was good!

Love you Mom! Thanks for all you do for me; you´re the best mom in the world! Love you Dad! Thanks for all you do; your emails have always helped me out a lot.

Dessert pizza is to die for in Brazil! It´s delicious--lots of chocolate and strawberries. The crust is chocolate stuffed too.  

Hope you all have a great week. I´ll talk to you next week!

Sunset in Brazil

Elder Duffin