Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Quotes from Elder Shakespaere

Hey Mom,
It´s pretty hot here too. Since last month it has officially been summer for over a year for me. I´m very tired of the sun. It´s still not as hot here as it was in Texas though, thank heavens.

The new transfer has started today. I´m doing okay. Shakespaere and I are getting along great and we´re seeing some success in the work. We´ll be together for this transfer too, so I´m happy about that. A less active member we´re teaching came to church yesterday, so that was nice.

On a lighter note, I've compiled a few ``Shakespaere Quotes´´ -- a list I´ve been keeping of things my companion, Elder Shakespaere says.
1. (This conversation took place last night.)
Shakesp: Benjamin Franklin was a smart dude; like, who would even think of inventing the light bulb?
Me: He didn´t invent the light bulb.
Shakesp: Oh. Was it Einstein?
Me: Ha ha. No.
Shakesp: Well, I know it was one of the early presidents of the United States!

2. (Upon seeing something in the supermarket that had the word `Duchass´ on its label) 
Shakesp: Ha ha! they named this thing Dutch-Ass!
[An aside from Shari.  Google translate thought "duchass" was English.  I am assuming it is a misspelling of "duchess."]

3. (Complaining while walking in the rain without an umbrella) 
Shakesp: Rain is freaking WET.

Shakespaere likes a lot of the same TV shows that I´ve seen, including Burn Notice. He´s been dying to tell me the ending to that series, but I won´t let him.

Catriel´s graduation sounds exciting! She sounds really happy in her emails to me.

Sorry to hear about your run-in with the curmudgeon in Walmart. I had to deal with that kind of thing a lot when I worked at Target. And on the mission, too. I don´t think you´re in any danger of becoming like that when you get old.

We´re going to Floripa today, so we´ll see if I've got any mail yet. I appreciate your packages a lot! Hoping to get some interesting photos while we're in Floripa.

Love you Mom! Hope you have a great week! I´ll talk to next Monday.
Elder Duffin