Monday, June 2, 2014

An Apartment Flood, a New Area, and No New Alligator Sightings

Hey Mom!

I'm doing good. I found out this morning that I'm being transferred again this Wednesday. I'm a little bummed about that because I like this area and my companion, but oh well. So when you send the package, please send it to the mission office. :)

I didn't know about the Butler family origins; that's interesting! [We've been reading about one of Jim's family lines that goes back for hundreds and hundreds of years in Ireland---the original ancestor having come over with William the Conqueror from Normandy.]

No, we never did get to go to the alligator park.  I did see a few alligators though; one at a golf course and one in a lake. I'm hoping my next area will have more to see than this one did. 

As for my suitcase, the extending handle is completely broken off. I left it back in Provo because I couldn't get it back inside  If it's that important, I will need a different suitcase.

The Spanish speaking missionaries who live in our complex had a pipe burst and their apartment got flooded. We helped them take their stuff out and they're now living with us in our apartment.

Not much else going on here. Tomorrow is my last day in this area. I can't believe I've been out almost 10 months now!  It doesn't seem like that long at all. My trainer, Elder Shuler, goes home tomorrow.

Nope, haven't forgotten Father's day! I'll be sending a card :) 

Not much to write about this week; I'll let you know what my new area is like next Monday. I'll be the senior companion in my next area. (I've been in Texas too long; they're starting to give me responsibilities!) 

Glad to hear that you and everyone else is doing well! I'm a bit jealous of you and Dad going on trips to see scenic places---I miss hiking. I miss beautiful scenery, too. McCleve says Brazil is pretty, so I'm looking forward to that. I'm looking forward to walking everywhere in Brazil. 
I want to go river rafting again when I get back, too! :D

Love you Mom! I appreciate your prayers and support. :) 

Talk to you next week!

Elder Duffin