Monday, June 30, 2014

Heat, Humidity & Enthusiasm in Houston

Hey Mom!

Glad to hear everyone is doing well. :)

It's very hot and very humid down here. We had better weather this week though; more cloudy and it rained a few days.

Clouds = The Grace of God

Ha ha! I've been surviving. Other than the weather, I'm enjoying my time in this area.

An investigator of ours is getting baptized next Tuesday! I'm going to baptize him. This'll be the first baptism I've performed. I'll be sure to send you pics.
And we had another random person just come to church yesterday, wanting to learn more. (He lives in the sister missionary's area though, so we had to hand him over to them.)

The ward that I'm in is really nice. The members are really active and enthusiastic about missionary work. 

Elder Carter and I get along great; our sense of humor overlaps. My favorite quote from him is: 

"I'm still trying to have charity for that idiot"  Ha ha!!

I can't believe my year mark is coming up!!!!  When did that happen?!  I'm remembering that my original departure date was July 3rd. Crazy.  [He had a delay in his departure last year; he left in mid August.]

Not much else to say; I'm doing good! Glad you and everyone else is too!

Love you Mom! Thanks for all you do for me!

Talk to you next week!
Elder Duffin
[Here's the comic he drew on the Father's Day Card he sent to Jim earlier this month]