Thursday, June 26, 2014

Still Biking Around---Interesting Investigators This Week

Hey Mom & Dad!

I'm doing well! It dumped buckets of rain today, which means tomorrow will be very humid. The joys of being in a bike area.

Bike areas in Houston make you give up on maintaining any semblance of a good appearance. We're always drenched in sweat and there's not much one can do about it. On the bright side, people who see us have pity on us and offer us water readily. :)

I got your package today! Thank you! :)  Tell Grandad thanks for the pickled beans! (I let my companion try one and he didn't like it--hooray!!!) :D
[We sent him some plum jam and pickled beans and Jim threw in some goofball nerf swords]

Me and my companion, Elder Carter

We have a few investigators who are really prepared to be baptized. We taught all of them at least once this week. That's the real highlight. I love teaching--especially people who are prepared. Elder Carter and I taught a very drunk girl and her sober guy friend on Wednesday. She said her plan in life was to go to Oklahoma and grow pot. Some plan. She needs the gospel really bad; the sister missionaries are teaching her now.

We are teaching someone who is from Brazil who only speaks Portuguese, so I've been able to practice the language a bit; that's been exciting.

A few days ago we were biking along and came across some guy carrying a shofar (a Jewish trumpet made from a ram's horn) along a bike trail. We stopped and talked to him for a bit. I got video of him playing the thing. That was pretty cool.
Shofar image from Google
Not much else has been going on. I discovered a few months ago that I'm not sensitive to wheat, I'm sensitive to oats. It's cereal that has lots of oats that upsets my system, not wheat. Glad I found that out! 

Glad to hear everyone is doing well. Did Dad ever get my father's day card? I hope that made it home okay. If not, I took a picture of it and I can send it to you. [We did get the card and it's pretty funny.  I'll have Jim take a picture of it for next week's blog post.]

Love you Mom! Thanks for writing me! 

Talk to you next week!

Elder Duffin